Transformational Voices

What's Holding You Back? with Spiritual Teacher Nikolina Balenović

Nikolina Balenović Season 1 Episode 22

Nikolina Balenović is a spiritual teacher, intuitive guide, soul reader, healer, ThetaHealing® practitioner and feng shui consultant from Croatia.

Nikolina helps spiritual, self-aware people who feel bogged down by life to raise their frequency, diagnose their blockages, clear their stuck energy and connect them to their authentic power so they can feel happier, lighter and more loving towards themselves, stand up for what they want, set healthy boundaries and feel confident and worthy. She does this with her intuitive, light-hearted, magical and playful energy so they can connect to their joy and creative power.

She sees deeply and accurately into people’s lives and can provide powerful guidance and insights. She is gifted at giving her clients energy and support to change their lives in the most profound ways. 

A member of ATL-Europe and co-author of the international bestseller book “Transformation Lessons”.