Transformational Voices
Welcome to Transformational Voices helping you transform your life by taking you beyond the borders of your mind and life experiences.This podcast series brings you wisdom, learning and insights from the Association of Transformational Leaders Europe, a heart-based community of those who spend their lives transforming lives, contributing to an enlightened world. Offering open, transformational and respectful communication, its members now invite you to join this platform to support your own transformational journey and to open your heart and mind to new perspectives.
Transformational Voices
The Embodied Woman with Sandra Laura Manuela Deakin
Sandra Laura Manuela Deakin
Season 1
Episode 8
Sandra Laura Manuela Deakin lives in Antwerp, often called the diamond city of Belgium. She loves to invite people around her to shine… especially women. Her passion is teaching women worldwide how to reconnect with their inner beauty, brilliance & magnetism.
With more than 35 years of media experience, Sandra was a pioneer on Belgian television and radio in bringing lifestyle and a more awakened consciousness to her viewers and listeners.
Today she hosts her own podcast, Brightspotsradio.
Find out more at www.sandralauramanuela.com